Arab Asia Since 1800
This historical overview summarizes regional conflict and change in Arabic-speaking Asia from 1800 to today. It traces empires, national movements, wars, migrations, diasporas, decolonization, and economic change over time.
This historical overview summarizes regional conflict and change in Arabic-speaking Asia from 1800 to today. It traces empires, national movements, wars, migrations, diasporas, decolonization, and economic change over time.
The ongoing war in Gaza is not just a war between Israelis and Palestinians. It is a defining global struggle in decolonization and national equality. What key events have led to this harrowing moment?
Examples of past (and current) global protests show how people in different nations—and with differing political views—come together to make a statement about human values. Such global activism is powerful; it may even have an impact in reshaping the United Nations.
The 2024 V-Dem report on global democracy seeks to explain the rise in autocracy around the world. I explore this report through comparisons of global politics at different levels—and consider what effect international organizations may have on democracy.
If the United Nations and its members can resolve the current crisis in Gaza—by ending the war and moving toward the recognition of a Palestinian state—U.S. officials will likely learn to pay more attention to the UN, its significance, and its structures.
Exploring the subfields of history is not only valid but valuable. Understanding these topics generates new ideas and perspectives about world history—and reveals important connections, causation, and interactions.
The G7 nations or Western powers remain wealthy, but other nations are becoming their equals. Here are four chapters on significant trends and events that continue to shape the future of the G7 nations—and the world order.
Founded in 2009, BRICS is a recent development of international politics and economics. What are this group’s primary aims? How has it shifted the global order? And in what ways does BRICS coexist, interact, or conflict with other global forums, such as the G7 and G20?
In his new book, historian James Quirin examines the oral traditions, cultural practices, and written records of the Beta Israel, a community of farmers and artisans who lived near the Ethiopian kingdom. Quirin uncovers a lively historical record, showing how small ethnic groups can create significant historical change.
The United States is set to rejoin UNESCO. As a member state, the U.S. will pay annual dues and participate in global discussions ranging from global cultural heritage to regulations on the use of artificial intelligence.